3 Indicators That You Need Garage Door Opener Replacement

One of the most frequently used movable equipment in your home or business premises is the garage door. Like the door, garage door openers are essential pieces of equipment in your garage. Garage door openers are designed to last long, however, machines malfunction, and you'll need a replacement at some point.

You open your garage door several times every day, and you can't access your garage if your opener malfunctions. To avoid a situation where you are suddenly locked out of your garage, watch out for any indicators discussed below.

1. Sluggish Movement or Detachment

While you don't expect your garage door to open or close in a split second, the speed should still be reasonable. You won't struggle to notice changes in speed unless you have moved to a home that different people previously occupied. But, if you are used to your garage door and notice that the speed is slower, check your garage door opener.

The slow movement often happens because your opener is worn out and can no longer lift the door's weight as before. Detachment happens when your opener disconnects and sends your door back to the floor. Don't ignore detachments since you face serious safety risks, especially if you have kids and pets.

2. Unusual Noises

A normal garage door opener operates quietly, so something is wrong if you hear odd noises. Noises like squeaks, creaks, clanks, and screeches when the door is in motion call for a professional inspection. Often, the noises indicate that your garage door opener's motor is worn out and can't pull your door effectively. The chain drives, too, get loose and noisy with age.

A constant loud noise could mean your garage door opener is an older model. Based on a performance test, your technician might suggest you get a replacement. Nonetheless, remember that weird sounds could indicate that your door is off its tracks or will get off the tracks soon. So, call a professional before the problem escalates.

3. Intermittent Functions

Periodic functions mean your garage door opener works sometimes and doesn't work at others. For example, you click your garage door opener, and nothing happens, yet, if you click again, the door opens or closes. You could also notice that the garage door opener lights don't turn off.

Your garage door should be consistent, so first, check your batteries if you notice that the consistency is no longer there. If the batteries are okay, have a technician inspect your opener. For serious cases like a door that opens or closes before you press the remote, call for emergency inspection for your safety.


Garage door openers are intricate systems with different parts that work together for smooth operations. Always watch your garage door opener operations to determine when something is wrong. Then, if you notice any unusual operations, contact a technician to diagnose the problem and do a replacement. 
